Greater Racket-tailed drongo

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Windsor Nature Park.
Time to update a better picture.
Sony RX10 iv.

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Windsor Nature Park.
Time to update a better picture.
Sony RX10 iv.

Greater racket-tailed drongo.
Though common resident in Singapore, we can only be able to spot them in the densely forest in the catchment area with a little fate.
2022  Mar 11 @ Hindhede Nature Park.
Usually, they appear in pairs. 
Was able to capture its beauty with Aperture mode under low light. 

Greater racket-tailed drongo.
2022  Mar 11 @ Hindhede Nature Park.
This one caught with only 1 racket tail.
Greater racket-tailed drongo.
2022  Mar 11 @ Chestnut Nature Park.
If you happened to visit the park during their meals time, you will meet them thinking they are easy to spot.

This Black Drongo can sing. Realised they are usually hidden in shaddy forest area.
Jan 2020, spotted them at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
Then at Singapore Quarry.
Feb2020, I spotted it at Singapore Botanic Garden.
Those were the days where I was very new to birds and only own a camera with zoom of 28x. 


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