Blue-tailed Bee-eater

A common migrant in Singapore. Quiet a few of them during migratory season.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2023 Feb @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Feasting on a big bee.

Sony RX10 iv.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2023 Feb @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
Suspect its a parent and child pair.
2020 Nov 21 @ Seletar Aerospace Drive.
Canon SX70HS

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2020 Nov 21 @ Seletar Aerospace Drive.
Unusually close shot.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2020 Nov 21 @ Seletar Aerospace Drive.
About 4 of them were spotted flying around the field here for a few weeks.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2020 Nov 21 @ Seletar Aerospace Drive.
The photographers poke a few tree branches in the open field and it attrached the bee eaters to stand on these branches.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2020 Nov 21 @ Seletar Aerospace Drive.
Thanks to these birders. Otherwise, I will not be able to capture these exceptional clear shots on bee eaters. They usually perched very high.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2022 Feb 17 @ Punggol HDB estate.

During migratory season, 5 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters visited my estate.
2022 Feb 9. 

During migratory season, 5 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters  visited my estate.
2022 Feb 9. 

Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
2022 Feb 9.
Though perched very high up the tree, it was fun watching them doing aerial flight and caching different insects. 

200107 - Punggol Waterway, Kelong Bridge
Usually, they travel in a pair - the first time I spotted them, I was only attracted by their colours. Not knowing that they are migrants and later realised that  it is not easy to spot them.


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