Coppersmith Barbet

Common resident. 
So far, we have spotted them at East Coast Park, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Hamstead Wetlands park, Jurong Lake Gardens.

Coppersmith Barbet.
2024 Sep @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
So tiny, so difficult to capture a good shot. Another pic for a record.
Sony RX10iv.

Coppersmith Barbet.
2022 New years day @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Spotted a pair of them just after spotting the Lineated Barbet.

Coppersmith Barbet.
2022 New years day @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Hoping from one branch to another looking for food.

Coppersmith Barbet.
2022 New years day @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Just like the Lineated Barbet, they also feast on berries.

Coppersmith Barbet.
2022 New years day @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Back view.

200229 - My first time -  spotted this bird unexpectedly while looking at this tree full of Pink necked green pigeon. Just thought is was really colorful and  managed to take a few pictures.
East Cost Park near coffee bean.


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