Indian Cuckoo

Sources from
Indian Cuckoo is a migrant to Singapore found from the Indian subcontinent to China, Siberia, Korea and Southeast Asia (except Singapore and Philippines) with the northern populations wintering south to Southeast Asia.

Indian Cuckoo. 
2022 Jan 29th @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Southern Promenade.
A migrant to Singapore.
Indian Cuckoo. 
2022 Jan 29th @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Southern Promenade.
A migrant to Singapore.
Indian Cuckoo. 
2021 Christmas Day @ Pair Ris Park.
Indian Cuckoo. 
2021 Dec 10th @ Pair Ris Park.

200319 Pasir Ris Mangrove boardwalk
Spotted this bird unexpectedly

It was alone by itself and I have the luck to view the bird in close distance for my self. Flew off after a few pictures taken
200223 Indian Cuckoo
This bird create quite a stir at Pasir Ris Park. So I went over to follow them taking a picture of this bird without knowing what it is. Now I know it is the Indian Cuckoo. Medium in size.


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