Oriental magpie-robin

Oriental magpie-robin.
A very common bird where we can easily spot.
Though not every birders' favorite, I love them because they can sing so beautifully.
Oriental Magpie-Robin, male.
2023 Feb @ Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Making use of the new leaves to make a beautiful background for this song bird.

Sony RX10 iv

Oriental Magpie-Robin, male.
2023 Feb @ Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Actual scene of the tree. Not very pretty. But when I zoom in, the background was beautiful as shown above.

Sony RX10 iv

Oriental Magpie-Robin, male.
2021 Dec 13 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Canon SX70HS
Oriental Magpie-Robin chick.
2022 Jul 28th @ Ang Mo Kio Bishan Park.

Oriental Magpie-Robin, female.
2021 Oct 23 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Baby Oriental Magpie-Robin.
30 Mar 2022 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens.
A very common resident in Singapore. 
Usually can be spotted in the parks.

Oriental Magpie-Robin, male.
2020 Mar  @ Pasir Ris Park.
This male flew in front of me and started to sing all the way. 


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