Baya Weaver

Baya Weaver .
Resident in Singapore.

Baya Weaver, male
1 Jul 2023 at Tampines Eco Green.
Sony RX10 iv.

Baya Weaver, Female.
1 Jul 2023 at Tampines Eco Green.
Sony RX10 iv.

Baya Weaver, female.
2022 May 28th @ Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve.
Sad to see that the tree is left with only a handful of nest. (Unlike last year where I can see 2 trees full of nest)

2022 May 16th- Baya Weaver at Changi Bay Point.
The male can be differentiated by the yellow crown.
They are usually busy with maintaining the nest.

2022 May 16th- Baya Weaver (Female) at Changi Bay Point.
So lucky to be able to take this picture when it flew nearer to me on a plant.

2022 May 7th- Baya Weaver at Changi Bay Point.
Though a resident in Singapore, we are only able to spot them at Sungei Buloh Wetland Park and previously Coney Island. Unfortunately due to construction of a new outward bound school at Coney Island, the tree was cleared and there goes the birds nest. (I am praying hard that the tree was not cleared as the area was closed by hording board, so we cannot see inside of the construction area)

2022 May 7th- Baya Weaver at Changi Bay Point.
The male is busy weaving the nest.

2022 May 7th- Baya Weaver at Changi Bay Point.
Look at the nests. Usually on dry land.

2022 May the 7th, Baya Weaver weaving its nest.
So lucky to have spotted them in action at Changi Bay Point.

200321-Coney Island, female.
My first time spotted this bird and took me quite some effort to find its name.
This is a female or non-breeding male.


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