Crimson-rumped Waxbill

Crimson-rumped Waxbill
Based on ebird website -, this bird was introduced to Singapore from Japan. 
However, it is still rare to spot it. So far, I have only spotted it at Coney Island, now at Changi Bay Point.

Crimson-rumped waxbill.
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point.
We can tell them apart from common waxbill by the crimson coloured wings.

Crimson-rumped waxbill.
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point.
They feast on grass seeds, just like munias.

Crimson-rumped waxbill.
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point.
A very challenging bird to capture a good picture cause it never stop swinging and eating on the branch of the grass.

200321-Coney Island.
Was able to identify the crimson-rumped from its red colour on its wing and near tail.


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