Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet
Uncommon introduced resident
2021 1127 - Marina East Garden
Spotted this couple on top of a tree by the golden sunset. So pretty.

Rose-ringed Parakeet
Uncommon introduced resident
2021 1127 - Marina East Garden
Usually playful and noisy. Parakeet are easy to spot so long as we listen to their calls.
Rose-ringed Parakeet - Juvinile, I guessed.
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point.

200405-Garden by the Bay - Bay East Garden
Surprised to find this bird high on top of a coconut tree instead of those plants. 

200307 Jurong Lake Gardens
Spotted this bird playing in the same kind of plant in Woodlands Waterfront. Guess, Ring-necked parrot love this plant.

191202-Woodland Waterfront
First spotted this bird while trying out my newly bought camera. At that time, I am not into birds and find nothing special about this parrot. Now when I look at it, what a beautiful shot. Picture shows the long tail and the ring at its neck.


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