Oriental Darter

 A rare non-breeding visitor. Usually can be sighted during migratory season.
A near threaten bird.

Oriental Darter.
2023 Feb @ Hindhede Nature Park.
Extreamly huge bird. About 2 to 3 feet big.
Not helping when it now perched further away since the tree in the middle of the pond is dead. This is my best picture.

Sony RX10 iv.

Oriental Darter.
2021 Nov 9th @ Hindhede Nature Park.
Extreamly huge bird. About 2 to 3 feet big.

Oriental Darter.
2021 Nov 9th @ Hindhede Nature Park.
When it spread its wing, it look just like the Empress of the China kingdom.

Oriental Darter.
2021 Nov 9th @ Hindhede Nature Park.

Oriental Darter.
2021 Nov 9th @ Hindhede Nature Park.
It was perched in the middle of the quarry. I need to zoom in to see its beauty.

Oriental Darter.
2021 Nov 9th @ Hindhede Nature Park.
Without spreading its wings. 


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