Yellow-rumped Flycatcher

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A winter migrant to Singapore from as far as Siberia, Korea to central, eastern and northeastern China and winter to southern China and Southeast Asia.

Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2024 Mar 21st- Labrador Nature Reserve, seaside.
My love for this species. This season, there were 2 males.
Sony RX10iv

Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2024 Mar 21st- Labrador Nature Reserve, seaside.
2 males were sighted fighting over territory. Its crazy this season.
Sony RX10iv

Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2024 Mar 21st- Labrador Nature Reserve, seaside.
Front view for a record.
Sony RX10iv

Female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2023 Oct 14 at Venus loop, Windsor Nature Park.
It appear suddenly when I was watching the Swinhoe.
Sony RX10iv

Female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2023 Oct 06 at Healing Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Everyone were looking for the Amur Paradise, while I realised this bird fly differently.
Sony RX10iv

Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2023 Mar at Windsor Nature Park.
Never expect to spot it here. What a surprise
Sony RX10iv

Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2023 Mar at Windsor Nature Park.
Fast. Glad I got it.
Sony RX10iv

Female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2022 Oct 25th at Berlayer Creek.
The male was also spotted at a different location in berlayer Creek.
Canon SX70HS 

Female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2022 Oct 25th at Berlayer Creek.
A very small bird. At first I thought it was the baby of Pin-striped Babbler since it was hunting food with the babbler family.
Canon SX70HS 

Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2022 Oct 25th at Berlayer Creek.
When spotted, it was black in colour. Its call sounds like the Pin-striped Babbler at a faster speed and lower tone. 
This was the 2nd MYRF I spotted since migration season. The 1st was at SBG, healing garden, at a very high perch, so was not able to take any picture to document it.
Canon SX70HS 
Male Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2022 Oct 25th at Berlayer Creek.
Size of a sunbird, look like a small black bird if we do zoom in our lens.

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2021 Dec 29th @ Pasir Ris Park.
The first time I spotted it was on the 27th Dec 2021.
But there were too many birders so I came back today to have a better picture.

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Female.
2022 Sep 26th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Swan Lake.
Was following the scarlet-backed flower pecker when this flycatcher intercept.
I thought it was a wabler, but looking at its eyes, realised it is a flycatcher.

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Female.
2022 Sep 26th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Swan Lake.
It was a unexpected find. Was there alone and a tourist who just came to ask me if I spot anything.
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Female.
2022 Sep 26th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Swan Lake.
Just a few shots, and it flew away.

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2021 Dec 29th @ Pasir Ris Park.
Front view. Just like other flycathers, it has big round eyes. 

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2021 Dec 29th @ Pasir Ris Park.
Back view.

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2021 Dec 29th @ Pasir Ris Park.
Very active and perch high.

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
2021 Dec 29th @ Pasir Ris Park.
Not easy to get a sharp picture.


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