Little Bronze Cuckoo

 According to, Little Bronze Cuckoo were found from Southeast Asia to Australia. It is an uncommon migrant to Singapore.

Little Bronze Cuckoo.
2023 Jan 11th @ Marina Bay East.
I called this fate for meeting this LBC. I turned into the wrong track while trying to make by way to Bay East, Breakwater.
Sony RX10 IV.

Little Bronze Cuckoo.
2023 Jan 11th @ Marina Bay East.
I was actually following the Pied Triller when I spotted this bird thinking it is a Common Iora since it was perched so high up that I cannot see its colour properly except its shape.
Sony RX10 IV.

Little Bronze Cuckoo.
2023 Jan 11th @ Marina Bay East.
When I spotted the stripes at its front, I knew I spotted a cuckoo.
Sony RX10 IV.

Little Bronze Cuckoo.
2023 Jan 11th @ Marina Bay East.
It was such a small bird, size of a Common Iora or Sunbird? Its location was difficult for me to take a good picture, but I guessed it is better than none.
Sony RX10 IV.

Little Bronze Cuckoo, the bigger one.
2022 Jan 29th @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Indeed a very small bird.
During this period, the southern promenade of JLG was nicknamed the Cuckoo land due to a number of cuckoo can be spotted at any one time.
Canon SX70HS.
Little Bronze Cuckoo.
2022 August 20th @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.
At first, we thought we met another migrant, the flycatcher when we spotted it at first.
It was perched on top of a high tree with very strong backlight. This was the 2nd time we spotted this bird and it was again, another difficult time to catch a good picture of it. Hope there will be a 3rd chance for us.
Canon SX70HS.

Little Bronze Cuckoo, a smaller one.
2022 Jan 29th @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
I was spotting for the small Ashy minevet when my husband asked me what is the species of this bird. I checked with another birder and realised we just met another cuckoo(in addition to 4 existing ones) in this cuckoo land.
Little Bronze Cuckoo - the smaller one.
2022 Jan 29th @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Imagine it was perched so high up on a twig. How small it was.


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