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- Broadbill1
- Bulbul8
- Butterfly6
- Common bird3
- Coucal2
- Crake1
- crane1
- Cuckoo12
- deer1
- Dollarbird1
- Dragonflies4
- Drongo3
- Ducks/swan3
- Eagle5
- egret1
- Escapee2
- Fairy bird1
- Fantail1
- Fishes1
- Flowerpecker2
- Flycatcher14
- Goshawk1
- grassland birds1
- Heron7
- Hornbill1
- Kingfisher7
- Leafbird2
- Lifers2
- Malkoha1
- minivet1
- monkeys2
- Moth1
- Munia4
- Myna3
- Nightjar2
- Other Small birds4
- Other wildlife17
- otters1
- Owl6
- Parrots10
- peacock1
- Pigeons8
- Pipit1
- Pitta3
- Praticole1
- Prinia1
- Quail1
- Raptors6
- Shama1
- Shorebirds19
- Shrike3
- Snakes13
- Sparrow1
- Spiderhunter1
- Spiders2
- Squirrel1
- Straling2
- Sunbird4
- Swallow1
- Tailorbird4
- Thrush4
- Wagtail1
- warbler3
- Waterbirds1
- Waxbill3
- Weaver4
- Wetlands birds6
- Whistler1
- Woodpecker5
Click "Labels" above for birds/wildlife grouping. A private collection of wildlife I spotted for reading pleasure. I do include birds of other countries when I travel. As I am not a wildlife professional, please refer to other professional website for actual wildlife details.
Showing posts from February, 2022