Green-backed Flycatcher

The Green-backed Flycatcher
Uncommon migrant in Singapore. They flew here from as far as northeastern China during winter.

Green-backed Flycatcher.
2022 Feb 12th @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
This bird is enjoying its fame and super sociable after a week on this tree.
Photographers were just a meter away and it happily pose for them. I took this pic at 3 meter distance and still able to shoot a good one as it was lowly perched. 

Green-backed Flycatcher.
2022 Feb 12th @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Back View.

Green-backed Flycatcher.
2022 Feb 12th @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Front view. 
I do noticed the Asian Brown flycatcher and this bird has got the same round beautiful eyes. 


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