Kentish Plover

According to Singapore Birds website, Kentish Plover are rare immigrant as of 2021.

Kentish Plover - Male in breeding plumage.
2022 Feb 19th @ Marina East Breakwater.

Kentish Plover - Juvenile.
2022 Feb 19th @ Marina East Breakwater.
The feathers forms a beautiful design on its back.

Kentish Plover - Spotted a couple.
2022 Feb 19th @ Marina East Breakwater.

Kentish Plover - Female.
2022 Feb 19th @ Marina East Breakwater.

Kentish Plover - Female.
2021 Nov 6th @ Marina East Breakwater.

Kentish Plover - Female.
2021 Nov 6th @ Marina East Breakwater.
Usually in pairs


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