Grey Nightjar

Grey Nightjar.
2022 Nov 16 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
My 2nd time meeting this migrant.
Canon SX70HS

Grey Nightjar.
2022 Nov 16 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
It was perched not that high, which made picture taking easier compared to the 1st sighting in Feb this year.
Canon SX70HS

Grey Nightjar.
2022 Nov 16 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
Thanks to the birders that pointed out to us. Otherwise, we would have missed it. It was so well camouflaged. Now we are able to view the details of the feathers and its big big eyes. So beautiful.
Canon SX70HS

Grey Nightjar.
2022 Feb 14th @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Thanks to a senior birder whom showed me this rare migrant.
Honestly, I do not know how to differentiate between this with the local ones.
Unlike the local ones it perched so high up the tree.

Grey Nightjar.
2022 Feb 14th @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Where the Nightjar perched.


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