Javan Munia


Javan Munia.
Uncommon Introduced Resident.
2024 May @ Clusia Cove, Jurong Lake Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Javan Munia.
Uncommon Introduced Resident.
2024 May @ Clusia Cove, Jurong Lake Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Javan Munia.
Uncommon Introduced Resident.
2023 Jul 29 @ Rasau Walk, Jurong Lake Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Javan Munia, Juvenile.
Uncommon Introduced Resident.
2023 Jul 29 @ Rasau Walk, Jurong Lake Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Javan Munia.
2022 Jan 29th - Jurong Lake Gardens.
According to the Singapore Birds website, this bird is a introduced resident in Singapore.
Still rather uncommon to spot them.
The 1st time I spotted a Javan Munia. A couple at a quiet corner. They left upon seeing us.

Javan Munia.
2022 Feb 19th - Jurong Lake Gardens.
Usually can be spotted in grasslands and in groups.

Javan Munia.
2022 Feb 19th - Jurong Lake Gardens.
I observed that though they come in a big group, they usually work in pairs.

Javan Munia.
2022 Feb 19th - Jurong Lake Gardens.
We may miss them if we are not observant enough.

My first time spotting a Javan Munia.
2022 Jan 29th at Jurong Lake Gardens.


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