My Lifer list for year 2022.

Grey Crowned Crane.
2022 Dec 24th at Safran Building at Seletar.
People has been posting picture about this bird since 2017 but this was the first time I sighted it.
2022 lifer #78.
Sony RX10 IV

Jerdon’s Baza.
2022 Dec 26 @ Coney Island.
Uncommon migrant.
2022 lifer #77.
Sony RX10 IV

Banded Bay Cuckoo.
2022 Nov 30 @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Rare resident.
2022 lifer #70.
Canon SX70HS
Bronze Tree Snake.
2022 Nov 26 @ Windsor Nature Park.
2022 lifer #69.
Canon SX70HS

Violet Cuckoo.
2022 Nov 26 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red Brick path.
Rare resident.
2022 lifer #68.
Canon SX70HS
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher.
2022 Nov 24 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Rare migrant.
2022 lifer #67.
Canon SX70HS

Female Zappey’s Flycatcher.
2022 Nov 24 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Uncommon migrant from as far as Siberia.
This picture was taken on 28th Nov, as the one taken on 24th was quite 
2022 lifer #66.
Canon SX70HS

Eyebrowed Thrush.
2022 Nov 24 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Uncommon migrant from as far as Siberia.
2022 lifer #65.
Canon SX70HS.

Dark-sided Flycatcher.
2022 Nov 22 @ Windsor Nature Park.
Uncommon migrant.
2022 lifer #64.
Canon SX70HS.

Long-tailed Parakeet. 
2022 Oct 12th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
Uncommon resident.
2022 lifer #63.
Canon SX70HS.

Blue-rumped Parrot. 
2022 Oct 13th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
Uncommon resident. I spotted 2, both male.
2022 lifer #62.
Canon SX70HS.

Blue-winged Pitta.
Uncommon migrant. 
2022 Nov 2nd @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
My first time meeting this beauty. Was looking for the nightjar and got the BWP instead. It quickly stopped when it spotted me. It was the most difficult bird to get a full picture and to locate after spotting it since I started birding.
2022 lifer #61.
Canon SX70HS.

Square-tailed Drongo.
2022 Nov 2nd @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Learning Forest.
A rare resident or Migrant.
My 1st reaction was its eyes. Sparkling like those of flycatchers.
Took me some time to realised I have spotted another cuckoo.
2022 lifer #60.

Canon SX70HS 

Blue-eared Kingfisher.
 Rare resident.
2022 Oct 28th  @ Windsor Nature Park.
2022 lifer #59.
Canon SX70HS 

Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher.
Uncommon migrant (erithaca) and very rare non breeding visitor (rufidorsa) from as far as the northerly populations wintering south.
2022 Oct 28th  @ Windsor Nature Park.
2022 lifer #58.
Canon SX70HS 
Taiga Flycatcher.
Rare vagrant. From as far as Mongolia, Russia.
2022 Oct 27th  @ Berlayer Creek Boardwalk.
2022 lifer #57.
Canon SX70HS 
Mangrove Whistler.
Rare resident.
2022 Oct 25th  @ Berlayer Creek Boardwalk.
2022 lifer #56.
Canon SX70HS 

Crow-billed Drongo.
Rare migrant and rare resident.
2022 Oct 25th  @ Berlayer Creek Boardwalk.
2022 lifer #55.
Canon SX70HS 

Crow-billed Drongo.
Uncommon migrant. (From as far as Himalayas)
2022 Oct 25th  @ Berlayer Creek Boardwalk.
2022 lifer #54.
Canon SX70HS 

Tiger Shrike.
Uncommon migrant.
2022 Oct 15th  @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Npark HQ block car park.
2022 lifer #53.
Canon SX70HS 

Amur Paradise Flycatcher.
Scarce winter visitor and common passage migrant.
2022 Oct 13th  @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing Gardens.
2022 lifer #52.
Canon SX70HS 

Common Tree frog.
A nature watcher introduce this as the tree frog to us while we were spotting birds. After checking out the internet, looks more like the Golden tree frog spieces. Common in Singapore.
2022 Oct 15th  @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethnobotany Garden.

2022 lifer #51.
Canon SX70HS 

Tanimbar Corella.
An uncommon introduced resident.
2022 Oct 15th  @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing Garden.

2022 lifer #50.
Canon SX70HS 

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher.
An uncommon migrant.
2022 Sep 26th  @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Swan lake.

2022 lifer #49.
Canon SX70HS 

Pacific Golden Plover.
A common winter visitor.
2022 Sep 25th  @ Breakwater @ Marina East.

2022 lifer #48.
Canon SX70HS 

Lesser sand plover.
A common migrant.
2022 Sep 25th  @ Breakwater @ Marina East.

2022 lifer #47 
Canon SX70HS 
2022 May 12th @ Woodlands Waterfront Mangrove park.
2022 lifer #46 
Always hear their sounds when we visit forest park but never seen it before. Thanks to WC, my primary school friend who pointed it out to us. My lifer.
Canon SX70HS 

Common Redshank.
2022 lifer #45
2022 Augst 20th @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.
The common migrant that usually settle at SBWR. Ever since I started birding, Sungei Buloh has been too crowded for me to visit. So it took so long for me to spot them as I need to wait for migratory period to see them. Glad that I made a trip to SBWR today.
Canon SX70HS 

Copper-throated Sunbird, Male.
2022 lifer #44
2022 Aug 20th @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.
When hubby pointed to me that he spotted a black small bird up on a tree, I told him we may have spotted a Copper-throated. Yes!!! our first time.
Canon SX70HS 

Copper-throated Sunbird, Female.
2022 lifer #43
2022 Aug 20th @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.
Initially I thought it was a Brown-throated sunbird. Only when we spotted the male, we realised it is a female Copper-throated Sunbird.
Canon SX70HS 

Common Emerald Dove.
2022 Lifer#42
2022 Jul 16th @ Thomson Nature Park.
My first time able to capture a proper shot of this bird though I have seen it a few times. So let this be my lifer cause it is the first time I am able to see it clearly.
Canon SX70 HS

Raffles' banded langur.
Listed as one of the critically endangered species in IUCN.
2022 Lifer#42 @ Thomson Nature Park, 2022 16th Jul .
Canon SX70 HS

Mangrove pit viper blue luminescence
Listed as one of the critically endangered species.
2022 Lifer#41
2022 10th of Jun @ Pasir Ris Park.
Canon SX70 HS

Thick-billed Green Pigeon.
2022 Lifer#40. 
2022 Jun 2nd @ Bukit Timah Summit.

Chestnut-bellied Malkoha.
2022 Lifer#39. 
2022 Jun 2nd @ Bukit Timah Summit.
Glad to be able to spot it under low light and high up the tree. Only appeared a few seconds.

Brown Hawk-Owl.
2022 Lifer#38 @ Hindhede Nature Park.
2022 May 31st.

Black-and-red Broadbill.
2022 Lifer#37 @ Sungei Buloh.
2022 May 28th.

Great-billed Heron.
2022 Lifer#36 @ Sungei Buloh.
Uncommon resident.
2022 May 28th.

Asian Red-eyed Bulbul.
2022 Lifer#35 @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.

2022 Lifer#34 Pin-tailed Whydah, female. 
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point-Aviation Park.

2022 Lifer#33 Pin-tailed Whydah, male. 
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point-Aviation Park.
Based on the bird ecology study group report by NUS, this bird was from 
South Africa’s Sahara Desert and believed to be an escapee. It has been sighted on and off since 2008.
No wonder this bird  can remain at the Aviation Park under the hot sun for so long.

2022 Lifer#32 White-headed Munia.
2022 May 16th @ Changi Bay Point.
Uncommon Resident in Singapore.
My first time seeing this bird. Understand it will be found mostly on grasslands areas in Sungei Buloh, Springleaf. This is the first time I saw it with my own eyes after visiting so many parks.

2022 Lifer#31 Lesser Whistling Duck.
Lorong Halus @ 30 Apr 2022.
Just realised this is another lifer for me.

2022 Lifer#30 Common Waxbill.
Not very common in Singapore but spotted a number of them at Changi Bay Point on 7 May 2022.
Just realised it is not the Crimson Waxbill (spotted at Coney Island before) and thus earning another lifer for me.

2022 Lifer#29 Asian Fairy-bluebird Female.(5 May 2022)
All the birds were perched very far above the trees. Hopefully, I will be luck enough to spot them again at a lower perch.

2022 Lifer#28 Asian Fairy-bluebird Male.
Spotted at Dairy Farm Nature Walk. There are 3 of them. 2 male and 1 female. They eats fruits from the big tree next to Wallace Education centre. (5 May 2022)

2022 Lifer 27 Jambu Fruit Dove.
An uncommon resident spotted at Dairy Farm Nature Park.
This bird attracted plenty of birders waiting for it to reappear when we arrive the park.

Lifer 26 Golden-backed Weaver (Female)
An introduced residence according to the Singapore Bird Project.

Lifer #25 Golden-backed Weaver (Male)
An introduced residence according to Singapore Bird's project webpage.
It was busy weaving the nest in the middle of the pond. Unfortunately, I was not able to take a better picture due to the distance. Hopefully, I will be able to have a better picture with better luck for nearer sighting.

Lifer #24 Asian Paradize FLycatcher.
A rare migrant bird spotted at Coney Island when I least expected.
Somehow, a few were spotted this year, at Botanic Gardens, Labrador park. Wonder if it is due to more birders around or did they multiply?
Still we have to be very lucky to spot it if we do not have people to tip us. (Most birders do have click to inform each other).
When it flies, it does look like a fairly in those drama. Very elegant. No wonder the nickname.

Lifer#23 Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
According to Singapore birds website, it is a common resident but this is the first time I sighted it. Not common to me at all.
This tiny bird is hard to spot. Imagine the fruit is about the size of 10cents coin. Its head look just like the fruit so we can easily miss this bird.

Lifer#22 Chukar Patridge
According to internet, this is a game bird.
From the behaviour of this bird, we strongly believe this is an abandon pet.
It spotted me and walk to me looking at me like begging me to feed it.

Lifer#21 Pin-striped Tit-Babbler.
Common Resident (According to Singapore Birds Project website).
 Berlayer Creek Boardwalk. 
Been meeting this bird but not able to say it was my lifer then because was not able to see them clearly and in details. Finally, was able to meet hem at Berlayer Creek Boardwalk.
There are 2 adults and a few juveniles. The young ones were busy looking for food which gave me a good chance to take pictures of them and have a good look in details.

Lifer#20 Javan Pond-Heron
Uncommon Migrant
 Jurong Lake Gardens - Southern Promenade 
My first time able to get a closer look at this look. I thought it was the Indian Pond-Heron. After checking out, realised I found my #20 lifer  - Javan Pond-Heron. Though not in full breeding plumage, it looked beautiful when it fly. The wings turned white with brown body. 

Lifer#19 Red-crowned Barbet.
Uncommon Resident - Near threatened species according to Singapore Bird project page.  
Dairy Farm Nature Park-Wallace Trail.
Thanks to a lady birder who informed us of this bird on a tree just in front of us. Its call was like construction work sound and I would have totally not know that my lifer is just above me. 

Lifer#18 Ashy Minivet.
Common migrant.
Jurong Lake Gardens - Southern Promenade.
Actually I have spotted them some time ago but was not able to capture a good picture of them. There were usually in a group of at least 4 and perched very high up the trees.

Lifer#17 Orange-headed Thrush
Rare Migrant from as far as Southern China.
Singapore Botanic Gardens - Learning Forest.
A small bird that Forages on the ground. Very difficult to spot them due to its size and usually behind leaves and branches.

Lifer#16 Chestnut Munia
Uncommon Resident.
Marina East Gardens
A small bird from the grassland.
Spotted 2 of them, flew past us, stopped for only 1 mins and flew off. 
Lifer#15 Grey Nightjar.
Uncommon Migrant.
Dairy Farm Nature Walk - opposite Wallace Education Centre.
Unlike the common nightjar, this nightjar was perched up on a tall tree. 

Lifer#14 Blue-winged Leafbird, Male
Uncommon Resident.
Dairy Farm Nature Park - Far end.
Perched high up on the white Mulberry tree. Also eats on white mulberries.
Lifer#13 Blue-winged Leafbird, Female
Uncommon Resident.
Dairy Farm Nature Park - Far end.
Perched high up on the white Mulberry tree. Also eats on white mulberries.

Lifer#12 Rufous-Tailed Tailorbird.
Uncommon resident.
Dairy Farm Nature Park - Wallace trail viewing point.
Bigger than the common tailor bird. Appeared for my 3 clicks and disappeared.

Lifer#11 Greater Green Leafbird, Female.
Common resident - Endangered spices.
Dairy Farm Nature Park - Far end.
A green bird that I had mistaken for a female green pigeon. Perched high on a white mulberry tree, eating mulberries.

Lifer#10 Orange-bellied Flowerpecker.
Common resident.
Dairy Farm Nature Park - Far end.
A very small bird that I had mistaken for a mini common yellow sunbird. Small and very active. Though it was said to by a common resident in the Singapore Bird website, I do not see them in any other park other than here.

Lifer#9 Green-backed Flycatcher.
Uncommon migrant from as far as Northeast China.
Dairy Farm Nature Park - Opposite Wallace Trail Education Centre.
This bird is has a look of the Asian Brown flycatcher. The only difference is, the Green-backed is more colorful and bigger in size compared to the Asian Brown. 

Lifer#8 Slaty-breasted Rail.
Common Resident.
Jurong Lake Gardens - Near Neram Streams.
Behavior of waterhen. If not because a birder alerted us, we would not have noticed this lifer #8.

Lifer#7 Javan Munia.
Uncommon Introduced Resident.
Jurong Lake Gardens - Rasau Walk.
Spotted a couple.
Was lucky to take a few pictures before it flew off.

Lifer#6 Little Bronze Cuckoo.
Rare Resident.
Jurong Lake Gardens - Southern Promenade.
Spotted 2 them, 1 adult and 1 young one.
Was very surprised that it is very small. So when we spotted the young one, it is like looking at a size of a Iora bird.

Lifer#5 Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo.
Uncommon Migrant.
Jurong Lake Gardens-Southern Promenade.
Spotted 2 of them at the southern promenade (1 big and 1 small). 

Lifer#4 Pied Imperial Pigeon.
Rare Resident.
Jurong Lake Gardens-Southern Promenade.
Spotted them with a few of them up on the trees. Large compared to the pink necked green pigeon.

Lifer #3 - Daurian Starling
Migrant from the north, as far as the Eastern Mongolia.
Jurong Lake Garden - Northern Promenade. 
Lots of them appeared with the Asian Glossy Starlings. The Daurian Starling hope from one branch to another non stop which made taking a good picture difficult.

Lifer #2 - Plaintive Cuckoo.
Jurong Lake Garden - Southern Promenade. 
Appeared in the open next to the lake. Camouflaged so well with the plants that I just could not find it.  

Lifer #1 - Large Hawk Cuckoo.
Jurong Lake Garden - Southern Promenade. 
When we first spotted this bird right on the top of the tree, we thought this is a Goshawk.
After checking out the head and its eyes, we were sure that we have found our first lifer for the year.


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