Red-crowned Barbet

Red-crowned Barbet.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 11th @ Wallace Trail, Dairy Farm Nature Park. A day I will not forget.
Though I have spotted it before, this was as if the 1st time I spotted them.
Sony RX10 iv.


Red-crowned Barbet.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Wallace Trail, Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Real lucky to be able to see both together. All birders' dream.
Sony RX10 iv.

Red-crowned Barbet.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Wallace Trail, Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Don't you think it looks like a flower?
Sony RX10 iv.

Red-crowned Barbet.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Wallace Trail, Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Busy with its nest building.
Sony RX10 iv.

Red-crowned Barbet.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Wallace Trail, Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Food in mouth.
Sony RX10 iv.

Red-crowned Barbet.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 11th @ Wallace Trail, Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Sony RX10 iv.

Red-crowned Barbet.
2022 Mar 11th @ Dairy Farm Nature Park.
Uncommon resident in Singapore.
Usually can hear its call but not able to spot them. Was only able to spot this bird when another birder shared its location with me.
They moved to the top of the tree fast.
Heard their calls at Berlayer Creek, Thomson Nature Park but not able to spot them.


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