Common Iora

Common Iora, female.
A common resident in Singapore.
2023 Jul @ Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park 2.
Female is as beautiful. 
Sony RX10 IV

Common Iora, male.
A common resident in Singapore.
2023 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Eco Lake.
So beautiful when it mature and ready to mate. 
Sony RX10 IV

Common Iora, male.
A common resident in Singapore.
2023 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Eco Lake.
So beautiful when it mature and ready to mate. 
Sony RX10 IV

Common Iora, juvenile.
A common resident in Singapore.
2022 Dec 21st @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Outside Healing Garden.
Was high above the tree. 
Sony RX10 IV

Common Iora.
A common resident in Singapore.
2022 Nov 4 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethnobotany garden.
A beautiful bird, and sings beautifully. Since it is common, birders do not seems to be interested in it. I love to watch this bird especially when it sings. Not easy to capture a good picture of it since it moves pretty fast.
Canon SX70HS
Common Iora.
A common resident in Singapore.
2022 Nov 4 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethnobotany garden.
Caught it catching 3 caterpillars for its 2pm lunch.
Was lucky to get some good pictures from this sighting since the tree is short (Though under low light). Usually perched high and not easy to take a clear picture.
Canon SX70HS

Common Iora.
2021 Jul 28th @ Pasir Ris Park.
Canon SX70hs

Common Iora.
Common resident in Singapore.
Usually able to spot them in our parks. 
Sings beautifully so can be easily identified by their beautiful calls.
9 Apr 2022 @ Coney Island.
Canon SX70hs

Common Iora.
2022 Jan 8th @ Jurong Lake Gardens.
Canon SX70hs

Common Iora.
2020 Dec 26th @ Pasir Ris Park.
Just got a meal.
Sony DSC-HX99


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