White-crested laughingthrush

 A bird introduced to Singapore parks. We see lots of them in Bukit Batok Nature Park. Most of them are not afraid of humans. Perhaps they have been fed before?

Usually, they travel in groups foraging for food from the ground. They can be very loud, just like laughing out loud, perhaps that is how they earn this name?

White-crested laughingthrush.
2024 Apr @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
Just love them thought they are common in this park.
Sony RX10iv.

White-crested laughingthrush.
2023 2nd Jun @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
Its been some time I was not able to capture a good shot.
Sony RX10iv.

White-crested laughingthrush.
2022 Apr 29th @ Hindhede Nature Park.
The first time spotting a pair here after 2 years of visiting this park.

White-crested laughingthrush.
2022 Feb 26th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
This bird came so close to me hoping that I can give food to him/her?

White-crested laughingthrush.
2022 Feb 26th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
Foraging for food.

White-crested laughingthrush.
2022 Feb 26th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
I made a trip here just to look at thes Laughingthrush.
White-crested laughingthrush.
2021 Nov 14th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
Specially made a trip here to spot the 
White-crested laughingthrush.
This is the first time I spotted this bird.

White-crested laughingthrush.
2021 Nov 14th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
So excited after spotting a family of them and followed them to the river while they bathe.

White-crested laughingthrush.
2021 Nov 14th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
Foraging for food.

2021 Nov 14th @ Bukit Batok Nature Park.
It was around late 4pm. The family has retreated to the small river at the end of the park. Watch this video, observed one bird that called out to the rest to report back home.  


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