Ashy Tailorbird


Ashy Tailorbird nest.
2024 June @ Kingfisher pond, Pasir Ris Park.
The little nest that was on this little tree in at the pond.

Sony RX10 iv.

Ashy Tailorbird nestling.
2024 June @ Kingfisher pond, Pasir Ris Park.
Cool, the 1st step out of the nest.

Sony RX10 iv.

Ashy Tailorbird nestling.
2024 June @ Kingfisher pond, Pasir Ris Park.
Was it blurr or cool? Not panicking.

Sony RX10 iv.

Ashy Tailorbird nestling.
2024 June @ Kingfisher pond, Pasir Ris Park.
Took it so long to step out of it's nest. I was lucky to witness it on my 1st visit.

Sony RX10 iv.

Ashy Tailorbird nestling.
2024 June @ Kingfisher pond, Pasir Ris Park.
Sony RX10 iv.

Ashy Tailorbird nestling.
2024 June @ Kingfisher pond, Pasir Ris Park.
Sony RX10 iv.

Ashy Tailorbird juvenile.
2023 Feb @ Eco lake, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Just love the juvenile. Fluffy and cute.

Sony RX10 iv.
Ashy Tailorbird juvenile.
2022 Aug 17 @ Garden by the bay, Chinese Gardenns.
Canon SX70HS

Ashy Tailorbird.
26 Apr 2022 @ Pasir Ris Park.
A common resident in Singapore.
Very small, fast and high pitch bird Usually can hear them before we spot them.

            220625 Nesting at pond located at Pasir Ris Car Park B.

Ashy Tailorbird.
26 Apr 2022 @ Pasir Ris Park.
Was surprised it kept still for a minute today.

Ashy Tailorbird.
26 Apr 2022 @ Pasir Ris Park.
Managed to catch it after it flew to another branch.


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