Monk Parakeet

This parrot has been building nest at the Pasir Ris sports hall sport lights area. Been there for quite some time. 

Monk Parakeet.
2022 Dec 16th @ Pasir Ris Park, walkway next to Sungei Tampines. These parakeets seems more sociable now. Instead of flying away, they flew on the floor, only flew off when we get really near.
Sony RX10 IV.

Monk Parakeet.
2022 May 25th @ Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris sports hall.
A pair has been spotted, parent and child.
Monk Parakeet.
2022 May 25th @ Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris sports hall.
The quite mischievous child.

Monk Parakeet.
2021 Mar 20th @ Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris sports hall.
Lucky to catch this parrot on the ground.

Monk Parakeet.
2021 Mar 20th @ Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris sports hall.
Lucky to catch this parrot on the ground.

Monk Parakeet.
2021 Mar 20th @ Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris sports hall.
Lucky to catch this parrot on the ground.


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