Pin-striped Tit-Babbler

Pin-striped Tit-Babbler.
Common resident.
2022 Dec 21st @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Sony RX10 IV

15 Mar 2022 @ Berlayer Creek - Pin-stripped Tit-Babbler.
This bird behaves exactly like the tailor birds.
Small and loud and fast.
Canon SX70HS
15 Mar 2022 @ Berlayer Creek - Pin-stripped Tit-Babbler.
Common resident but I can only spot them in the central parks.
Canon SX70HS
17 Mar 2022 @ Berlayer Creek - Pin-stripped Tit-Babbler.
I went back to search for them and spotted 3 babies having a bath.

17 Mar 2022 @ Berlayer Creek - Pin-stripped Tit-Babbler.
Love this picture.
When 1 spotted me and flew away, these 2 was getting ready to take flight but not willing to leave their playground.

Pin-stripped Tit-Babbler.
Its back view.
17 Mar 2022 @ Berlayer Creek. 

Sharing how  a chick kept so still while its mum clean its poo from its .....
2022 Jul 30th @ Thomson Nature Park.


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