Abbott's babbler

 Did a reference with :
This babbler is an uncommon resident. 

This is the first time I sighted a Abbott's Babbler and never expect their calls to be mellow yet beautiful. Both will call out and somehow synchronize with each other.

Abbott's Babbler.
2021 Aug 6th @ Thomson Nature Park.
My first time meeting up with this couple. Only able to take a few shots and they flew away.
These pictures were so precious to me because up till now as at Jun 2022, I have yet to meet another Abbott's Babbler.
Abbott's Babbler.
2021 Aug 6th @ Thomson Nature Park.
I was attracted to the calls from 2 of this bird that made me move in to check on them.

Abbott's Babbler.
Back View.

2021 Aug 6th @ Thomson Nature Park.
Initially, we thought they are ordinary chicks but somehow its calls were like singing to me, so I decided to just snap a few shots and check out later.

Abbott's Babbler.
Back View.

2021 Aug 6th @ Thomson Nature Park.
Later, I met a senior birder and he shared with me that this should be a Abbott's Babbler.

Abbott's Babbler.
Back View.

2021 Aug 6th @ Thomson Nature Park.
I went back for the next 2 months, though able to hear their calls, there are no signs of them.
Went back recently and I still not able to spot them, no calls were heard as well. 
When will I meet them again?


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