Grey-headed Fish Eagle


Grey-headed Fish Eagle, female.
2023 Feb @ Singapore Quarry.
Have not meet these eagles for quite some time.

Grey-headed Fish Eagle, male.
2023 Feb @ Singapore Quarry.
Have not meet these eagles for quite some time.

Grey-headed Fish Eagle, male.
2023 Feb @ Singapore Quarry.
So glad to meet this couple here.

Grey-headed Fish Eagle
2020 Dec 5th @ Hampstead Wetlands Park
An uncommon resident, this is the 1st and last time I spotted this eagle.
Sony DSC-HX99

Grey-headed Fish Eagle
2020 Dec 5th @ Hampstead Wetlands Park
It stopped above the pond for quite a while.
Sony DSC-HX99

Grey-headed Fish Eagle
2020 Dec 5th @ Hampstead Wetlands Park
It stopped above the pond for quite a while.
Sony DSC-HX99


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