Raffles' banded langur

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.
It took us more than a year to have the luck to spot these critically endangered langur.
Thanks to the wildlife watcher whom gesture us to join her quickly when she spotted this at a lower branch.
Canon SX70 HS

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.
Unlike the long-tailed macaques, the raffles' banded langur is a very shy and quiet monkey. It moved upwards quickly towards the tree top and though quiet, they are actually very fast.

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.
The adult knows how to station itself at this "cross junction" so that it can guide its junior to move to another tree.

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.
After moving the 1st junior, it sat here to wait for another. Then it moves towards the forest area, away from the human tracks.

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.
We managed to spot the adult at a far distance taking a break here.

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.
So relax because it was far away from the walking track and high up above the big trees.
We spotted 4 of them today. Hopefully be able to spot them again when we visit TNP again.

Raffles' banded langur.
2022 16th of Jul @ Thomson Nature Park.


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