
Everyone is scared of crocodile. There are a few wild crocodiles along the shores of Sungei Buloh Wetlands Park (SBWR). Everyone would hope to spot them before they go home. Crocodiles are big stars in SBWR. Meet these stars when you visit SBWR.

The baby croocodile population in SBWR is increasing. So much so it is so easy to spot them.
2023 Sep 3rd at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. (SBWR)
Sony RX10iv

The Painted Stork may have thought it was a fish. I did not see the crocodile, thought just wanted to capture the wings of the painted stork.
2023 Sep 3rd at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. (SBWR)
Sony RX10iv
The baby croocodile has grown up and it is bigger now.
2022 Aug 20th at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. (SBWR)

Mummy crocodile is still watching close though the baby is quite big now.
2022 Aug 20th at SBWR.

Baby crocodile.
2022 Jul 2nd @ SBWR.


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