Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

Uncommon migrant, some from Northerly populations wintering south.
Information Source : https://singaporebirds.com/species/oriental-dwarf-kingfisher/
Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
Mar 2023 @ Venus Loop.
Another lucky encounter. If only the sun continues to shine, would be able to get a better picture.
Sony RX10 iv.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
Mar 2023 @ Venus Loop.
Another lucky encounter. The best picture I can get.
Sony RX10 iv.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
Feb 2023 @ Venus Loop.
It was now staying at Venus Loop, after escaping the humans from Windsor Nature park boardwalk. Imagine it flew deep into the forest and ended up being exposed on the other side of the track... Venus Loop. I took this picture within the human boardwalk via a small window. Definitely not giving it any threat. However those photographers..... why?
Sony RX10 iv.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
Feb 2023 @ Windsor Nature Park.
I guessed those bird photographer has got this bird moving deep into the forest.
In order to get a good shot, they moved into the forest, out of the boardwalk just to take a close picture for themselves.  Thus, the kingfisher has stop going to its usual spot, but has now moved further inside of the forest. 
Sony RX10 iv.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
28th Nov 2022 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethnobotany garden.
3rd time meeting this uncommon migrant.
This time, it was so close to me.
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
28th Nov 2022 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethnobotany garden.
A 3 seconds of happiness for me. It was being chased by the yellow vented bulbuls. So it flew and landed here with its back facing me. 
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
28th Nov 2022 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethnobotany garden.
The bulbuls did not give up, the ODK ended up hiding itself inside the plants. In the end, saw the bulbuls trying to attack the ODK, the ODK scream and flew towards the "pineapple lookalike plant", made a turn and hide behind the bushes. I waited for it to come out for about 10mins but it did not appear. Perhaps, this is the reason why it only come to this place after 5pm. Looks like the bulbuls has been chasing away the ODK when it arrive earlier.
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
22nd Nov 2022 @ Windsor Nature park.
2nd time meeting this uncommon migrant.
This time, it caught a rare species dragonfly (heard from another birder).
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
22nd Nov 2022 @ Windsor Nature park.
I wonder if this backview is better than the 1st one taken. Oh, the bird is so small and is always under such low light.
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
28th Oct 2022 @ Windsor Nature park.
1st time meeting this beauty.
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
28th Oct 2022 @ Windsor Nature park.
It is so small, now I understand why the name is called Dwaft.
Canon SX70HS.

Oriental Dwaft Kingfisher.
28th Oct 2022 @ Windsor Nature park.
Usually perched under shade and in extremely low light far away. My camera weakness is low light, so we can see the picture quiet blur. Still quite happy to be able to see this beauty on my 1st trip to try my luck to spot it.
Canon SX70HS.



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