Blue-rumped Parrot

 An uncommon resident. It is small and a little difficult to spot.

Blue-rumped Parrot, male.
2023 Feb @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
My 2nd time spotting it. Initially I was not able to spot it. While taking video of the Asian Glossy Starlings, it rained seeds onto my head. As if telling me "I am above you" LOL.

Sony RX10 iv.

Blue-rumped Parrot, male.
2022 Oct 13th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
My 1st time spotted them. T

Canon SX70HS.

Blue-rumped Parrot, male.
2022 Oct 13th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
Though spotted 2, both were males.

Canon SX70HS.

Blue-rumped Parrot, male.
 2022 Oct 13th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
Thanks to a senior birder who was already there when I was actually looking for the Hill Myna. He asked me to go over to his side thinking I was looking for the Blue-rumped Parrot.

Blue-rumped Parrot, male.
 2022 Oct 13th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.
Honestly, I thought it was the blue-crowned hanging parrot until today when I was updating my blog, did I spotted another lifer without knowing it.

Blue-rumped Parrot, male.
 2022 Oct 13th @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Fragrant Garden.


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