Black / Japanese Paradise Flycatcher

Black Paradise Flycatcher.
2023 Dec 17 @ Healing Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Black Paradise Flycatcher.
2023 Nov 18 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, bamboo trees next to Alstonia Island.
Unexpected paradise flycatcher appear before us.
Sony RX10 iv.

Japanese Paradise Flycatcher.
2022 Nov 24 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Rare migrant from Taiwan, Japan etc wintering south. This is my 1st sighting where I can tell it is a JPFC immediately when I zoom in my lens. A lifer to me.
Canon SX70HS.
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher.
2022 Nov 26 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red brick path.
The 2nd time spotted this high above the tree. Took me quite some time to confirm if this is the Amur or Japanese.
Canon SX70HS.


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