Sulpur-crested Cockatoos. (White parrot)

Sulpur-crested Cockatoos.
Not able to find its residential status.
2022 Oct 27th @ Labrador beach park.
Happy to spot the child clinging to its parent.
Canon SX70HS

Sulpur-crested Cockatoos.
Not able to find its residential status.
2022 Oct 27th @ Labrador beach park.
Canon SX70HS

Sulpur-crested Cockatoos.
Not able to find its residential status.
2022 Oct 27th @ Labrador beach park.
Just woke up.
Canon SX70HS

Sulpur-crested Cockatoos.
Not able to find its residential status.
2022 Oct 27th @ Labrador beach park. 
Was able to see the child's tooth.
Canon SX70HS
Check out the cockatoos in this Youtube video at Berlayer Creek.


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