Violet Cuckoo


Violet Cuckoo.
Rare resident.
2022 Nov 26, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red brick path.
My lifer though it is listed as resident. Sometimes I wonder if this is a migrant since it only appear during the migration season. My #9th cuckoo spotted so far.
Canon SX70HS.
Violet Cuckoo.
Rare resident.
2022 Nov 26, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red brick path.
It was the size of the Asian Glossy Starling that I doubt it was the cuckoo that everyone was trying to spot.
Canon SX70HS.

Violet Cuckoo.
Rare resident.
2022 Nov 26, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red brick path.
Only after I zoom in that I realised this was another lifer for me.
Canon SX70HS.

Violet Cuckoo.
Rare resident.
2022 Nov 26, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red brick path.
Unfortunately, it was a gloomy day with very bad backlight, not able to bring out its colour of its purple. Never mind, at least I got to meet it for the very 1st time.
Canon SX70HS.

The Voilet cuckoo.


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