Zappey’s Flycatcher


Male Zappey's Flycatcher/Blue-and-white Flycatcher.
This time, birders were not able to identity which flycatcher was this rare migrant due to its transition in colours to adult.
2023 Nov 27 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
It was sighted exactly at the same trees where I spotted the female last year.
Sony RX10 iv.

Male Zappey's Flycatcher/Blue-and-white Flycatcher.
Unfortunately, there were many birders around, so I could not get a better picture.
2023 Nov 27 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Sony RX10 iv.

Female Zappey's Flycatcher.
Rare migrant.
2022 Nov 28 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
My lifer when I first sighted this flycatcher on the Nov 24. 
On 28th, since I was the only person there, it was at a lower perch that I was able to take a proper picture for a record.
Canon SX70HS.

Female Zappey's Flycatcher.
Rare migrant.
2022 Nov 28 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
Canon SX70HS.
Female Zappey's Flycatcher.
Rare migrant.
2022 Nov 26 @ Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing garden.
This was spotted at the same location but wonder why it looked so different. Wonder are there 2 female here? Or just because of the backlight on this picture?
Canon SX70HS.


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