Grey Crowned Crane

Grey Crowned Crane.
2022 Dec 24th at Safran Building at Seletar.
Not a resident or migratory visitor. More like a escapee.

People has been posting picture about this bird since 2017 but this was the first time I sighted it.
Sony RX10 M4.

Grey Crowned Crane.
2022 Dec 24th at Safran Building at Seletar.
Previously, there were 2 of them. Then one was reported dead. Now left only one.
Sony RX10 M4.

Grey Crowned Crane.
2022 Dec 24th at Safran Building at Seletar.
I was taking waiting for the bee eaters when my hubby spotted this crane just above us, on top of Safran building. Wow. Big bird.
Sony RX10 M4.



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