Large-tailed Nightjar.

 A common Singaporean bird usually seen on the ground in daytime. Active in nighttime.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Mar 2024 May @ Carpark next to Raffles Building, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Apparently, many people have not watch them nesting and this was the first for many of the birders. It nest on the ground. 
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Heliconia Walk, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
What a surprise. It was shaking water off it body that caught my attention. All birders told me to look for nightjar at Redbrick path. But I spotted it here.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Heliconia Walk, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
I can get up real close.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Heliconia Walk, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Mar 2023 @ Heliconia Walk, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
It was raining when I was going home. The first time seeing it standing upstraight.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
My 2023 lifer #1.
Feb 2023 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Forest Ramble.
A nightjar that kept me looking for it for 3 years though it is a common resident. Now it became my 1st lifer for year 2023 and 1st bird to spot at JLG after 8 months of not visiting.
Made my whole trip really worth it.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Feb 2023 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Forest Ramble.
Lots of birders were surprised when I told them I have not spotted it for 3 years... like why can't you spot it? Very common mah....
Sony RX10 iv.
Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Feb 2023 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Forest Ramble.
Lots of birders gave me advice to look for it at Singapore Botanic Gardens, Red brick path area, but I just do could not spot it. I must say, it was definitely not there when I was there for the past 3 years.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Feb 2023 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Forest Ramble.
Some birders told me it is a very common bird. Is everywhere. To me, if the bird do not make any calls, it is difficult to spot. 
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Feb 2023 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Forest Ramble.
Since all birders said it is very common, no one can tell me if they spot any nightjar for the day when I asked. mmmm yes it is common, I am sure we are not fated to meet for the past 3 years.
Sony RX10 iv.

Large-tailed Nightjar.
Common resident.
Feb 2023 @ Jurong Lake Gardens, Forest Ramble.
Actually I almost missed it, then I saw that little ball out of the dried leaves. Oooo so excited. Imagine how my heart was jumping high and low for this lifer that took 3 years to spot? Now that I spotted it, I hope it will break the "curse" and I was looking forward to spot the Nightjar family with children? LOL.
Sony RX10 iv.

Check out the nightjar at JLG here.


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