Asian Golden Weaver

 Reported as near threatened species according to Ebird website. So thrilled to spot the Asian Golden Weaver for my 1st time in Jul 2023.

Asian Golden Weaver.
2024 Aug - at Tampines Eco Green.
Though nesting season is over, I was glad to meet it again.
Sony RX10 iv.

Asian Golden Weaver.
The nest.

Asian Golden Weaver.
2024 Aug - at Tampines Eco Green.
Though nesting season is over, I was glad to meet it again.
Sony RX10 iv.

Asian Golden Weaver.
2023 lifer #26 - 1 Jul 2023 at Tampines Eco Green.
Near Threatened Species according to Ebird website.
Was surprised there is another weaver species at TEG. So beautiful.
Sony RX10 iv.

Asian Golden Weaver.
1 Jul 2023 at Tampines Eco Green.
A male. Did not spot the female on this date.
Wonder where were the females.
Sony RX10 iv.

Asian Golden Weaver.
1 Jul 2023 at Tampines Eco Green.
The nest were on top of the shrubs.
Sony RX10 iv.

Asian Golden Weaver.
1 Jul 2023 at Tampines Eco Green.
Weaving a new nest. Look at the ring it has weaved.
Sony RX10 iv.


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