Eastern Crowned Warbler

Eastern Crowned Warbler.
2023 lifer #35 -2023 Oct 13th @ Fragrant Garden, Singapore Botanic Garens.
Common migrant. May have sighted them before but only learnt how to identify them now. With longer bill with dark upper mandible and pale lower mandible (with no dark tip),that made it to my lifer for identified ECW.
Sony RX10 iv.

Eastern Crowned Warbler.
2023 Oct 13th @ Fragrant Garden, Singapore Botanic Garens.
Common migrant. With a stripe in the middle of its crown, making it to look like 3 white stripe on its head watching from behind,that made it different from Arctic Warbler.
Sony RX10 iv.


Eastern Crowned Warbler.
2023 Oct 13th @ Fragrant Garden, Singapore Botanic Garens.
Another example on the ID for 3 white strips on its head.
Sony RX10 iv.


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