Wildlife / Birds of England


European Robin
Aug 2024 - Chatsworth House Garden
A bird I wanted to meet when planning this trip. It took me up till the very last trip to spot it at a very well lit and open area. It was so beautiful.
Sony RX10iv

European Robin
Aug 2024 - Chatsworth House Garden, Peak District, England.
A bird I wanted to meet when planning this trip. It took me up till the very last trip to spot it at a very well lit and open area. It was so beautiful.
Sony RX10iv

European Robin
Aug 2024 - Chatsworth House Garden, Peak District. England.
A bird I wanted to meet when planning this trip. It took me up till the very last trip to spot it at a very well lit and open area. It was so beautiful.
Sony RX10iv

European Robin
Aug 2024 - Salisbury, Harnham Water Meadow. England.
The very 1st meet up. It was hiding here and there.
Sony RX10iv
European Robin
Aug 2024 - Salisbury, Harnham Water Meadow. England.
Even not hiding, it was always under very low light.
Sony RX10iv

Common Cuckoo
Aug 2024 - Richmond Park, London, England.
Spotted it outside Isabella plantation. 
Sony RX10iv

Common Cuckoo
Aug 2024 - Richmond Park, London, England.
Was quite disappointed for not able to visit the Isabella Plantation and while we were sitting outside of IP, I spotted this bird about 3 trees away. 
Sony RX10iv

Common Cuckoo
Aug 2024 - Richmond Park, London, England.
According to website, it is a summer visitor and considered endangered in UK.
Sony RX10iv

Common Cuckoo
Aug 2024 - Richmond Park, London, England.
It is not common to spot a cuckoo in SG, so to spot one in UK, I am very happy.
Sony RX10iv

Common Cuckoo
Aug 2024 - Richmond Park, London, England.
I was watching this bride eating from one caterpillar to another. My 2 sisters do not even aware that I was watching a bird nearby. So funny.
Sony RX10iv

European Herring gull, Eurasian Magpie, Jackdaw.
Aug 2024 Salisbury neighbourhood, England.
Interesting to watch the Herring gull with food in mouth. The magpie and Jackdaw wanted the food but will not snatch from it. They will wait until the Herring gull let go.
Sony RX10iv

Eurasian sparrowhawk
Aug 2024 Salisbury neighbourhood, England.
I was elated to think that I have spotted a Kestrel until my You-tube viewer told me it is a Sparrowhawk. 
Sony RX10iv

Eurasian sparrowhawk
Aug 2024 Salisbury neighbourhood, England.
Honestly, I would have suspected it is a sparrowhawk from this look.
Sony RX10iv

Lapwing/ Peewit / Northern Lapwing.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
The 1st time when I spotted a colourful waterbird.
Sony RX10iv

Lapwing/ Peewit / Northern Lapwing.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
We can hear them. Wee wee wee wee.
Sony RX10iv

Lapwing/ Peewit / Northern Lapwing.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
A waterbird so pretty with shiny feathers.
Sony RX10iv

Song Thrush.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
A very quiet bird when I spotted it. Quite sociable. So long as I do not go too near, it does it own business.
Sony RX10iv

Song Thrush.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
Though not colourful, I just love how it looked.
Sony RX10iv

Song Thrush.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
Looked so different when it flew to the ground.
Sony RX10iv

Song Thrush.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
My one and only sighting during my 3 weeks holiday in England.
Sony RX10iv

Aug 2024 Sidmouth, England.
My 1st outing during my whole holiday and the 1st bird spotted at this 1st place of attraction. Very disappointed to spot only 1 species here.
Sony RX10iv

European herring gull.
Aug 2024 Sidmouth, England.
But then, this baby looks big and that attracted me to have a 2nd look.
Sony RX10iv

European herring gull.
Aug 2024 Sidmouth, England.
The parent was very tired with 2 babies going after him/her.
Sony RX10iv

Blue Tit.
Aug 2024 Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Wiltshire, England.
Very fast bird and always high above the trees. So lucky to have another chance and at last, got this picture.
Sony RX10iv
Blue Tit.
Aug 2024 Bakewell Bridge, Peak District, England.
Still moving very fast.
Sony RX10iv

long-tailed Tit.
Aug 2024 Bakewell Bridge, Peak District, England.
Very fast bird and always high above the trees. So lucky to haven another chance for  a better picture. So adorable.
Sony RX10iv

Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Aug 2024 Richmond Park, London. England.
How I wish this bird move out of it's hidden dark area. Still, I am lucky to be able to spot one for my whole 3 weeks trip.
Sony RX10iv

Eurasian coot
Aug 2024 Bakewell Bridge, Peak District, England.
Commonly seen in all the water areas at all parks we visited.
Sony RX10iv

Stonechat, juvenile.
Aug 2024, Hengistbury Head, Southbourne, Bournemouth, England.
Initially I though it was a starling bird. But when I checked through the lens it look so different.
Sony RX10iv.

Stonechat, juvenile.
Aug 2024, Hengistbury Head, Southbourne, Bournemouth, England.
Its big eye capture by attention.
Sony RX10iv.

Stonechat, juvenile.
Aug 2024, Hengistbury Head, Southbourne, Bournemouth, England.
Quite skittish. 
Sony RX10iv.

Stonechat, juvenile.
Aug 2024, Hengistbury Head, Southbourne, Bournemouth, England.
Flew so far away.
Sony RX10iv.

Common Wood-Pigeon.
Aug 2024, England.
Very common and pretty. Big too.
Sony RX10iv.

Black-backed Wagtail.
Aug 2024, Falmouth, England.
This one is super cute. Fluffy and wagging away.
Sony RX10iv.

Black-backed Wagtail.
Aug 2024, Falmouth, England.
This one is super cute. Fluffy and wagging away.
Sony RX10iv.

Common Blackbird.
2024 August, Salisbury, England.
Very common bird. I find their eyes attractive.
Sony RX10iv


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